Own a successful Atomic Wings franchise located at 6051 Myrtle Avenue, a prominent corner building in the heart of Ridgewood, Queens-one of the busiest business hubs in the area. This 2, 220-square-foot commercial space boasts extra visibility and exposure, making it a standout spot for attracting foot traffic. The building’s appealing design adds to the business’s curb appeal, enhancing the customer experience and driving steady business. As part of the well-established Atomic Wings brand, this turnkey franchise offers a seamless operation with strong corporate support, ensuring continued growth. With its prime location, high visibility, and loyal customer base, this is an ideal investment opportunity for a buyer looking to own a thriving business in a booming NYC market. Don’t miss out on this chance to secure a high-exposure property in Ridgewood!, Additional information: Business Located At:6051 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood, Dining seats:13, Building Size:20ft X 60ft
Approx. Int. Sq. Ft.: 2220.00
Taxes: $11,002
Zoning: R6B C14
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